
About Us
Lawn Corps Landscaping's mission is to provide quality lawn care in Palm Beach County Florida with integrity and attention to detail.  We understand the importance of a well maintained landscape that reflects your values.  Our pledge to you is that we will always show up when expected, we will always use well maintained professional equipment, and we will strive for perfection. 

Lawn Corps Landscaping was formed with you in mind. After proudly serving our country in the U.S.Marine Corps, our founder, Curt Konrath, began a successful career in both banking and industry.  In the Marine Corps, where he earned the coveted "Top Gun" award as a tank commander, he learned the importance of working hard to be the best.  In business he learned the importance of providing top flight services to his clients while helping them succeed.  Now, Lawn Corps Landscaping pledges to work hard, provide top flight services to you, while helping you succeed in maintaining a world class outdoor environment, whether your outdoors is large or small.

Future Goals
Our goals are simple. Lawn Corps Landscaping seeks to earn your trust, exceed your expectations, and, hopefully, to establish a long-term relationship with you to care for your landscape. 

When you think of your lawn, think of Lawn Corps!

Contact us for more info
